
German Winkelmesser 35 Franz Kuhlmann.

€70,00 €85,00

Winkelmesser 35, early variant in very nice condition. Made by manufacturer Franz Kuhlmann in Wilhelmshaven,... ..

Wehrmacht panzer gefreiter photo set.

€60,00 €75,00

4 photos of a Wehrmacht panzer gefreiter probably on the eastern front. 4 rare shots... ..

Paper set arbeitseinsatz Gerardus Huizinga

€250,00 €325,00

Interesting and rare document set related to the arbeitseinsatz. The set tells the story of... ..

Preussen epauletten hauptzollamtsassistenten

€100,00 €175,00

Pair of early German (Prussian) epaulettes of a hauptzollamtassistenten (customs assistant). They can be dated... ..

Luftwaffe bau-Gerätezug 3 desk set with inkwell

€170,00 €200,00

Beautiful desk set in art deco style, wedding gift given to probably an officer of... ..

Feldpost plaque 1942 Lauchhammer.

€55,00 €70,00

Feldpost plaque 1942 made of cast iron. These plaques were often handed out as Christmas... ..

Wehrmacht/ Heer soccer prize 1941

€75,00 €150,00

Wehrmacht/ Heer soccer prize. Engraved with:Fussballpokalturnier Karfreitag 1941 abteilung sieger 5. Kompanie, and the names... ..

Cigarette picture album Das Handwerk DAF

€55,00 €70,00

Zigarettenbilderalbum Das Deutsche Handwerk in der Deutschen Arbeitsfront, Frankfurt am Main edition. The book is... ..

Flugzeug Fibel 1935

€25,00 €35,00

Flugzeug Fibel 1935. Interesting booklet with aircraft models from Europe. In nice condition. ..

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