3-piece german ww1 ordenskette.

€65,00 €75,00

3-piece German WW1 miniature ordenskette in beautiful condition. The kette contains:ek2 wo1, landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd class... ..

ww1 Miniature/stickpin ek2 Fek


Wo1 miniature/stickpin ek2 and Fek. In good worn condition. ..

WW1 miniature/stickpin wound badge black


Wo1 miniature/stickpin wound badge black, open 9mm variant! ..

German WW1 canteen cup


German WW1 canteen cup (trinkbecher) in fair condition. Gray enamelled variant, manufacturer is still vaguely... ..

Preussen Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen 2nd class with Etui

€110,00 €130,00

Preussen allgemeines Ehrenzeichen silver variant 2nd class in case with the original ribbon. Beautiful piece. ..

WW1 M15 beltbuckle Preussen for enlisted men.

€80,00 €90,00

Ww1 M15 beltbuckle preussen for enlisted men, late steel variant with feldgrau color, the leather... ..

Frontkämpfer ehrenkreuz with award document.


Frontkämpfer ehrenkreuz by maker Reichsverband Pforzheim, with award document. Awarded to mechanic Friedrich Heyll. ..

Bayern Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz 3. Class with crown and Swords.

€100,00 €110,00

Bayern Militär-Verdienst-Kreuz 3. Class with crown and Swords. Beautiful set with original ribbon. Case is... ..