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Volksempfanger DKE 38, in neat condition, no damage to the bakelite, the visible traces in... ..
Volksempfänger VE301 Dyn in neat and undamaged condition. The bakelite shows no cracks or flaws.... ..
€300,00 €325,00
Very nice light brown German WW1 P08 Holster made by manufacturer:N. Burghard in Pasing, dated... ..
Wehrmacht equipment strap in good and flexible condition. Marked Krikowa Wien62 and dated 1942. ..
Wehrmacht Equipment strap in neat and flexible condition. Marked with GFG, which stands for: Lederwaren... ..
Wehrmacht equipment strap in neat and flexible condition. Marked:Biertz in Viersen. Dated 1941. ..
Wehrmacht 5cm granatwerfer 36 ammunition case, in uncleaned condition with complete interior. The box has... ..
Neat wehrpass with some notes and appendices in the name of Hubert Ohletz. With separate... ..
Wehrpass set Walter Jllmann, Walter was a WW1 veteran. Wehrpass has few notes. The set... ..
Showing 1 to 10 of 602 items
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