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Rare ID(dienstausweis) in the name of Liesel Hosse, Liesel worked as an office assistant at... ..
Documents set in the name of Wehrmacht sergeant Anton Küsters who served in the 96th... ..
Rare Luftwaffe Named Loss Report. This concerns the crew of a Junkers 88 that collided... ..
Neat Inländer jahresjagdschein in the name of Ludwig Erven, Meister der schutzpolizei. Issued by the... ..
Taschen-welt-atlas Luftwaffe 1942 personalized with the name: Uffz. Fuchs, flugzeugführerschule A/B. Rare booklet in neat... ..
Rare Kriegsmarine/ Navy front magazine Die Heulboje in nice and complete condition. Number 3 from... ..
Rare Kriegsmarine/ Navy front magazine Die Heulboje in nice and complete condition. Number 11 from... ..
Rare Kriegsmarine/ Navy front magazine Die Heulboje in nice and complete condition. Issue number 2/3... ..
Rare Kriegsmarine/ Navy front magazine Die Heulboje in nice and complete condition. Number 4 from... ..
Rare Kriegsmarine/ Navy front magazine Die Heulboje in nice and complete condition. Number 5 from... ..
Small photo album of a lady who served in the RAD female youth. The album... ..
Very rare booklet in A4 format. This booklet was published in a very small edition... ..
Showing 13 to 24 of 66 items
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